Day: 22/04/2014

How Many Of These Awkward Mouth Situations Have You Been In?


Remember that time you had something stuck between your teeth and nobody told you? The tooth hurts, but admit it, bad oral care has landed you in at least one of these awkward situations. This is 9 of the most embarrassing situations your teeth could get you in.

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Ask the Right Question

Coach Chris Hall

“Did I get better today?”

All this time I’ve been asking the wrong question – you can always rationalize how you might have gotten better or where you improved on the margin.

A more appropriate question:

“Have you failed yet today?”

Failure creates learning opportunities. Failure creates room to get better. Failure is black and white. Cut and dry. You can’t hide from failure. Either you did or you didn’t.

You are bound to fail many times before you succeed. So, Have you failed yet today?

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[Video] Thai Good Stories

Frontdive Fitness

It’s Monday after Easter and we are feeling good from the weekend, hopefully more rested, well fed and feeling more blessed than before.  We work hard day in and day out and I feel we need to slow down every now and then and appreciate everything we have, be grateful and give back to others.  Sometimes all it takes to give back to someone is a smile, a hug, a thoughtful act and more than anything time.  The time to take a minute out of your day to make someone feel special, appreciated and loved and to do it for nothing in return.  Giving back is one of the greatest unselfish acts we can do which makes the world a better place, makes us feel fulfilled and alive.  We are human and operate on emotions of others, mainly the good powerful emotions.  How great does it feel to help someone…

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